What Compels You?

Over this past year, we as a congregation have been walking through the book of Acts. We have seen the example of the early church. We have read about its impact on those around them. Even when persecuted the gospel went out. People were driven from their homes and separated from their loved ones and yet the gospel of Jesus Christ went out into all the world.

Lately, I find myself thinking of the apostle Paul. I think about how the Holy Spirit often led him into affliction and hardship for Christ. He was beaten, bruised, chased from town to town, had enemies at every turn, faced riots, imprisonment and even death. Yet he continued to be zealous for the glory of God. He longed for others to come to Jesus. He was singular in focus. Why? Why would Paul keep going in light of everything he faced? I think the answer is found in 2 Corinthians 5:14. There Paul writes the “love of Christ compels us”. He was gripped by the love of Christ. It’s a love that we can’t fully understand. A love that motivated Jesus to lay down his life for us; to bear in His body our sin so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Paul said that the love of Christ compels me, it drives me, it moves me forward. It pushes me onward…no matter what’s lying ahead or around the next corner. Paul was all about Jesus. The Spirit of God was unhindered in his life. What controlled him? What lay behind his willingness to give his life for Christ? It was the love of Christ.

What compels us?

Well, if we are being honest, the things that often motivate or drive us are earthly things. It may be the need to get ahead of our bills; to be recognized at work; to be promoted; to make a little more money so we can have that vacation; put our kids through college; or renovate our homes. As a result, we lay down our life for these things. We spread ourselves thin for these things. We put all our energy, time and focus into these things. And they aren’t unimportant, but still they are temporal, not eternal. We get wrapped up in the immediate and we begin to lose sight of what it means to be all about Jesus. Of course, this means the mission of Jesus is often laid aside as second or third priority. But as a Christian, a Christ one…isn’t our complete identity in Him? Isn’t out testimony about everything that Christ has done for us and not about what we are doing right now? Jesus said to his disciples, “you shall be my witnesses”. I look at our human tendency and think…no wonder Jesus called his disciples away from what they were doing previously. He longs for people to love him; to be gripped by His love…which will result in what some consider reckless abandonment to self. When this happens, we will be willing to accept, just as Paul did, whatever comes our way…and still experience joy because our joy is rooted in Christ.

Paul was gripped by the love of God. On that Damascus road he came face to face with his Saviour. He came to understand his sinfulness. Driven to his knees he experienced the grace of God; the love of Christ. Paul considered himself the chief of sinners. He was deeply effected…and maybe we should say infected by the love of Christ, so much so, he was willing to suffer all things for Christ. He was willing to be bound and to die if necessary, so that others may come to know Jesus. It sounds kind of crazy but maybe when we are so gripped by the love of Jesus, we too will be controlled, driven, motivated, to completely surrender our lives to Him and to His mission. Take some time today to meditate on the love of Jesus. Experience his grace and mercy and maybe you will find yourself compelled as Paul was.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Mike