Good Morning Everyone.
As I sit here and watch the snow fall, I jest…what next? Will it be locusts, frogs or maybe hail? And why not? It has certainly been a peculiar season; a season in which we can easily become discouraged, feel isolated, and wonder when the government will relent, and we’ll no longer be grounded to our rooms. I hope some of you at least pick up on my twisted sense of humour.
But seriously, we have much to be thankful for. Every new day is a gift, every moment with our families a blessing. God in his sovereignty has seen fit to slow us down. Why? Maybe so we can hear His voice and consider what is really important. In one fell swoop He has torn down many of the idols we so often give ourselves to today. He has called us examine ourselves, to repent and return to Him. He reminds us who we belong to. We are God’s people! As much as I hate to say it; we needed this time. We needed a wake-up call. We needed to be shaken from our slumber. Maybe now there will be revival in our land. Maybe hearts will be transformed. Leaders will glorify God. People will acknowledge Him for who He is. For He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Maybe this is a warning and in that warning is God’s grace. What I do know is that God is always good…and I do mean always!!!
So “Taste and see that the Lord is good; how blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. (Psalm 34:8)
For You, Lord, are good and ready to forgive, and abundant in loving kindness to all who call upon You. (Psalm 86:5)
For the Lord is good; His loving kindness is everlasting And His faithfulness to all generations. (Psalm 100:5)
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his love endures forever. (Psalm 107:1)
God is always good!
Now, allow me share something of an update:
Many of you have been hearing about and maybe even asking some questions concerning the church budget and the government subsidies. Here’s what I can share with you thus far.
We as a board, with the assistance of the treasurer and finance committee have been monitoring the financial situation of the church. We know these are difficult times for many, and so we do understand there may be a shortfall in tithes and offerings. Currently we are behind in our budget. We hope to share some numbers with you soon. However, (to the best of our knowledge at this time) we did not qualify for the 75% wage subsidy being offered by the government under the CERB benefit program. What I can say is we are still monitoring things for the month of April.
Some have asked about the $40,000 loan that is being offered with a potential 25% forgiveness of that loan. Again, we do not qualify as this is not applicable to congregations.
We did, however have our family and ministry co-ordinator (Anne) apply for the CERB benefit and she has qualified. This will help us a little. We are also making inquiries about the 10% wage subsidy that we should qualify for, but we haven’t got an answer at this time.
This is not a time to panic. It’s s a time to evaluate and to remain faithful. There may be some budgetary adjustments that have to be made in the second half of the year. That’s OK! We ARE still planning to go ahead with our accessibility renovation. However, our timeline is flexible, and things may not get started as soon as we had hoped due to the Covid outbreak.
Our greatest concern, however, is for our church family; our loved ones; our friends and our neighbors. We want to make sure you are OK. We don’t want to see anyone go without. If you have a need; if your family is struggling, then we want you to know that you can reach out to the Pastor or a member of the board and we will help you whatever way we can. What matters is YOU! Jesus reminds us to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind…and Love your neighbor as yourself.’ (Mathew 22:37-39). These are the greatest commandments. So, we are here for you! And, if you’re able to be a help to someone I would encourage you to reach out! Make a call, face time, mail a card, pick up an extra item or two when grocery shopping, leave it on a porch. There is real mission field out there. So, let me thank you for being the church…and let me thank you for being our church family. You are loved!
Missing you all very much,
Pastor Mike